Monday, March 15, 2010


by Ashley Beaudin
The News, Mississauga April 1 2008

Dear Editor:

The recent bill, Bill C-484, introduced Feb. 29 by Conservative MP, Ken Epp (Edmonton - Sherwood Park) passed its second reading and is expected to go to the Justice and Human Rights Committee.

This Bill, also known as the Unborn Victims of Crime Act, would create, "a separate offence when an unborn child is harmed or killed during the commission of an offence against the child's pregnant mother."  Currently, if an attacker kills a pregnant woman and her child, no charges can be laid to recognize the fetal victim. This leaves the families of the victim, who are left grieving the death of two lives, with a feeling of injustice. In the United States, 37 states have fetal-homicide laws. But, in Canada, charges can be laid only if the baby has left the womb.

A woman and a child are within the same physical body, but two separate lives. It seems discriminatory to charge an attacker with one count of homicide when two lives were taken. When a mother chooses life for her child, that child – unborn or not – should be protected under law.  Objectors to the Bill have said this law will affect abortion rights: Not the case. This law states the bill will not apply to any act of omission by the mother of the child, meaning the mother could not be charged under this legislation for terminating her pregnancy.

The presence of this legislation must be demanded by every man and woman. The issue here is not one of politics and debate, but rather of justice and consequence.
Copyright 2008

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