Tuesday, March 16, 2010



by Faytene Kryskow

Friday, October 10th, is my birthday – the emphasis being on birth. I am thankful I had the privilege of being born. If given a choice, that is what I would have preferred. I was shocked when I heard on Wednesday that October 10th this year, with suspiciously short notice to Canadians, will also be the day that Henry Morgentaler will be awarded the Order of Canada in deep, out of reach, Quebec.

I am sorry. I can’t call him a doctor. I don’t know anyone he has healed. I don’t know any life he has actually saved. In contrast, a few weeks back I had my nails done by a sweet young lady who almost died on the floor of an abortion clinic. She didn’t need to get consent, so her parents weren’t there to support her. She was alone. The nurses had forgotten to give her an anesthetic (so much for compassion) and during the ‘procedure’ she got a blood clot that sent her into convulsions and near death. She told me that she writhed on the floor – alone and feeling every bit of the pain - as the nurses watched not knowing what to do. She has been on nerve pills ever since because of anxiety attacks. On my birthday I wonder if I could ask Mr. Morgentaler a question? If this is about compassion for women why don’t you give up the multi-million dollars you make ever year from it and put it towards helping women like this put their lives back together. To honor Mr. Morgentaler is to dishonour the thousands of women whose lives have been shredded through ‘safe’ abortions that are anything but safe. It is time to wake up Canada and call a spade a spade – or a knife a knife.

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