Sunday, July 27, 2008

What is Operation MOCO? by Sarah

With the exception of people who may have been out of the country for the past month, most Canadians are aware that Henry Morgentaler was awarded with the Order of Canada on July 1st, 2008 (Canada Day). The Order of Canada is the highest honour that a civilian can get in Canada- so basically, if you are made a Member of the Order, Canada is giving you a huge stamp of approval for the things you have contributed to culture or society in Canada.

If you don't know who Morgentaler is, let me briefly explain what all the fuss is about. Back in the 1960s, Morgentaler was thrown in jail for performing illegal abortions. His case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where the judges there found that a certain section of the Criminal Code that required women to have a panel of doctors approve their abortion was unconstitutional and it was struck down. The Supreme Court then told Parliament that they were responsible for creating a new CONSTITUIONAL law restricting abortions.

The problem was, Parliament never did it.

And so, by an unfortunate accident, and by breaking the law, Morgentaler got all restrictions taken off of abortions.

This means a 12 year old girl can get an abortion without her parent's knowing, and without anyone explaining to her what an abortion is, or what it could possibly do to her (make her suicidal, depressed, have nightmares, make her infertile, cause cancer, etc.) It is ridiculous to think that a girl who is not allowed to vote, drink, drive, consent to sexual activity or get a body piercing or tattoo can make an informed "choice" about abortion. She can't even go on a FIELD TRIP without her parent's consent.

Nonetheless, for some reason this accident in the judicial process has been credited to Morgentaler as a "life time contribution to health care and women's rights" and he will be presented with the Order in the next coming months if the Governor General does not change her mind and revoke the decision to award him.

Not only that, but the Nomination Committee had to break a bunch of rules to award him. First, they went to democratic vote instead of unanimous consent to silence the voices in their committee who were opposed to honouring a mass murderer. Second, they considered him when they previously rejected other nominees such as Margaret Somerville for being "too controversial" because of her conservative views on same-sex marriage. Third, when word had gotten out in the spring of 2008 that they might be considering his nomination there was such an outcry from Canada that there was an announcement from the Governor General's office that he was not and would not be on the nomination list. Basically, they lied.

And so 4MY Canada has launched Operation MOCO; Morgentaler Order of Canada Outcry. Last week the LARGEST touchtone telephone poll in the HISTORY OF CANADA found that 56% of Canadians do NOT agree with Morgentaler's Order of Canada.

The game plan for Operation MOCO is to write, call, email, or send a postcard every other day to the Nomination Committee, the Governor General, the Prime Minister, and your Member of Parliament UNTIL the Order is revoked. Visit to find the contact information for the MOCO target list.

Since the beginning of July, 9 Members of the Order of Canada have returned their Order in protest. This has NEVER happened in the history of the Order. No one has ever returned their order voluntarily. And for the first time in decades, the abortion debate is back on the table in Canada... even making the cover of Maclean's magazine.

Now is the time to make your voice heard! The abortion debate is now open and if we seize this moment with persistence, we WILL see abortion laws changed in Canada. 60% of Canadians want restrictions on abortion, and 56% of Canadians do not think Morgentaler is a hero.

We actually are a majority. It's time to let Parliament know it.

Annnnd... exciting news! MOCO is on facebook and is over 15,500 members! Come find us :) Search "Oppose Morgentaler's Order of Canada" and stay up-to-date on Operation MOCO and other initiatives that are raising a voice against Morgentaler's Order.

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