Saturday, August 26, 2006

Well we did it our first team has met with Mr. Merv Tweed. Our 2nd team goes out tomorrow to meet with Mr. Vic Towes. Any how. Our meeting with Mr. Merv Tweed went really well. He is such a down to earth guy. We just totally thanked him for all the time that he spends away from his family and being in office. We just honored him by thanking him. We told him that there were thousands of other people like us who are totally interested in seeing Canada changed and generally interested in Christian Values and Morals. We told him that we want to see generations to come to be proud to be Canadian. We also told him our hearts on the issues/bill that are coming up. He listened to us and as we were talking we all felt the anointing fall in the room. It was so wonderful. I know that we were a blessing to him. He said that if and when we go to Ottawa again that he would be more then happy to meet with us and to let us have an opportunity to see the buildings. So exciting. God is doing huge things in our Brandon. He told us that we (Brandon) are located in the Centre of Canada. I know that God is going to be using Mr. Merv Tweed and his voice. There are huge things going to happen. Expect it! We even had an opportunity to pray and invite him out to church. We offered him the gift that was on the 4mycanda website. He really liked that! We are making future plans to meet with other MP's from around Manitoba.

Mr. Tweed really encouraged us to meet with other MP's and the Liberal parties! So we are going to be a voice a strong voice operating as one! I am so encouraged to go meet with others and see MY Nation and all the Soldiers that we are running after things of God. I am so excited that we are able to do this and encourage others to do the same. Thank you all for your help in getting our first meeting!

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