Thursday, August 31, 2006

This past week while in Edmonton Kayle and I got pulled into a meeting with Rahim Jaffer (chair of the Conservative Caucus) and Laurie Hawn. It was a sweet meeting. We were the young ones at the table (check out the picture). I was so blessed when we went around the table to introduce ourselves one by one.

Rahim knows us well because we helped in the election and he was the one that met with 80 young adults when we were there in March (remember the crazy story about us getting access to the government seats before the government sat--so wild!). I was not expecting Mr. Hawn to have a clue about us. He is a new MP and a great guy. I was delighted to see his face light up when it came to us. He knew all about us, the work we are doing and that we are having an impact Sweetness! What an encouragment--like a ripple in a pond, the things we release (as we are led by the spirit) ripple far beyond our view. The best is yet to come.


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