Friday, August 19, 2005

Day 9 in Winnipeg was another peak out! I honestly have to say this has been the "highest level" stop yet (it feels) in terms of what we have connected into in the spirit. What we touched today does not feel national, it acutally felt global. Winnipeg is the centre of Canada, and some say even the centre of North America geographically, so the fact that we connected into this level in the spirit is no surprise.

The team did great. We had a significant time where the Holy Spirit fell on some Metis young people and one of them prophesied and travailed for almost 5 hours. It was transforming, on many levels. Today we had significant appointments with 2 MLAs, 1 Senator and 1 MP. The Holy Spirit is continuing to give us sharp wisdom on the spot and is filling our mouths with His words and the encounter with the Senator was especially significant for us.

There were signs in the sky as well while we were on the steps of the Legislative Assembly and the Metis and young people were praying (stay tuned for photos).

Thanks for the prayers Canada!! We feel them, big time.

We are onward early tomorrow morning to Toronto for an evening meeting (Sat), the rally on the steps of the Legislative Assembly on Sunday and another evening meeting. Monday is packed with meetings with politicians.

Mega love to you Cananda! We are in this together. Faytene

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an answer to prayer, to the hearts cry of millions, and the repercussions will be eternal....