Sunday, August 14, 2005

Day 3--Today's stop (and last night) was Kelowna. We had a great evening meeting at the Kelowna New Life Church. We could all feel a sense that we were getting in on something God is doing on the ground level. One of the highlights of the night for me was near the end where we had an open mic time where different young people in the room got up and began to proclaim "I have a VOICE." Each one declared that they have a voice in this nation and, in essence, that they were going to use it to take a stand in Canada. It was sweet and strong.

Early today we met with Stockwell Day and Valerie his wife. It was a precious time of meeting together and we were so thankful that they took this time with us. This is a couple who have stood so faithfully in the nation as pillars and we honoured them with a #1 Siege Shirt (hounourary number) because they have stood in the gates of influence in this nation for years--now a generation is rising.

After this time we were on down the road to a garden party at MP Darrel Stinson's. To our delight there were many MPs and local politicians there that the team was able to share their hearts with (MP Dick Harris, MP Myron Thomson...and others). MP Darrel Stinson was so encouraged by the team that he gave us a platform to address the entire group that was there (of a few hundred). We are receiving favour on every front and it is so encouraging. The local TV station was also there to interview us and we are waiting to hear the outcome of this.

We are now in Edmonton and posturing ourselves for what God is going to do in Day 4!
If you are in Edmonton we will see you at the Legislative Assembly at 3pm!!

Faytene (time for bed)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Faytene,
Could you tell me how old you are?
I am working on the story for our news tonight on your visit to Armstrong Saturday.


Doris Furlot
CHBC TV News Kelowna