Saturday, March 18, 2006

Amazing week. This past week we gave leadership to a team of 70 young people from BC, AB & Ont to Ottawa. It was a joing effort with NHOP and was a blast.

We prayed, we weeped, we rejoiced, we met with politicians, we worshiped our God on the steps of the Peace Tower (Parliament Hill). It has been great.

One of the coolest things has been watching these young people catch a deeper vision for Canada and her purpose.

One of the highlights in the natural happened yesterday when on of the more influential MPs gave us access to the House of Commons floor. He took us in there at the end of the day and had us all sit in the GOVERNMENT'S seats on the House of Commons floor!! He explained that we were the first group to get to do this! Wow. What an honour and what a picture--a new government is arising in this hour, we are a people with an new kind of authority that will fight for morality in the land.

These are indeed exciting-days to be on the moral battlefield of our nation.

Bless you all and thanks for your prayers,


Anonymous said...

I'm so excied to hear things went well in Ottawa! Wouldda loved to be apart of the team again :(.. but it sounds like you managed fine without me ;)!!! It's been so exciting to see that the Siege has not stopped. God's doing some pretty awesome things in our Nation... :):) luv ya all lots

Siege Team said...

Kyla--U rock and I love you tons.