Monday, September 08, 2008

On Sunday, The Right Honourable Stephen Harper requested from the Goveror General that the 39th Parliament be dissolved and Canada would enter into Its 40th Election - the third in four years.  this is the perfect oppertunity for the church to rise up and vote for righteousness, life and morality issues.  Much was accomplished over the last two years through the minority Conservative government - i.e. raising the age of sexual consent from 14 to 16, clear support fro Israel from Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the apology for Residencial Schools to the First Nations peoples of Canada, but much more still needs to be accomplished.  We need a government that will bring in legislation that would protect pregnant woman and their unborn children from violence, ensuring religious and free speech rights are not overturned by out of control Human Rights Commissions and the protection of our most vulnerable of citizens - unborn children in the womb. 

Voting is an important tool that we as Christians have been given to help guild, steward and disciple our nation in righteousness and justice.  We have a responsibility to not only pray but to show up on October 14th and vote for a righteous government.  I encourage you to find out about the candidates in your area, what their policies and platforms are on key moral issues facing our nation and the world today.  When you find a good candidate help them on their campaigns, gather your friends and family and encourage them to do the same thing, do your part to ensure that the 40th Parliament has seats filled with men and women who will stand for righteousness, justice and life.  One of my favorite quotes from Faytene is "The greatest act of intercession was not a prayer but an action" Do your part in intercession and act.  

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