Thursday, December 07, 2006

This is a quote from an e-mail we received from a Member of Parliament earlier encouraging!


Thanks for the great work your group is doing. You need to know that your presence here on the Hill did have a huge impact on MPs - some of whom were unsure of where young people of Canada stood on this issue.

Your thoughtful, caring presentation was a welcome addition in helping us speak up for Canada's Youth!!

I will be praying that many MPs who might have otherwise voted to disregard this important issue -- will now reconsider their postion and vote to allow full and open debate -- taking into consideration the rights of children...."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched the cbc article and fully support the work that the young people are doing.Why aren't our MP's listening?
Even the MP that sent this encouraging e-mail seems to be reluctant to use his name because of political consequences and therefore there lies the problem.Though the vote that took place in the house of commons was considered as a free vote by the prime minister,I have a strong feeling that the majority of MP's did not vote with their true moral conscience,but to appease parliament.Less then half voted to revisit the issue,is that what their constituents wanted.Remember, we cannot impose democracy abroad by deserting it at home.