Thursday, November 02, 2006

This is the poem/gift that we gave to all the Members of Parliament during the Siege 4 week. In case you can't read the poem here it is in text:

When all is said and done -
When the last vote has been cast -
When the last statement has
been made - When everyone
has returned to the place from
where they came - When all I
have to look at is the face in the
mirror and the face of the
Amighty - May my conscience be
clean and sure - That I have left
this nation better than I found
it - When party politics pull - When
all that sways the soul of man comes
crashing in - May my conscience be
clean, knowing, before self and before
God -That I have stood and having
done all to stand - Cast my vote and -
Made my statement, knowing, this is
not my land -- KNOWING -- I have
been given a trust from God
and my fellow Canadian --
KNOWING -- I have been handed
an inheritance from generations
past -- KNOWING -- I will hand
this nation to my children and
theirs -- KNOWING -- I am
accountable to all of the
above - Past, future and the
Eternal One - When all is
said and done - May I not
merely net the empty
accolades of man -
But the privilege of
knowing, before self
and before God ,
that I have left this
nation better
than I found it.

Our Prayer for the Members/Senators:
May God grant you great wisdom, strength and grace to make choices for this nation that will lead to nothing but LIFE for generations to come. Thank you for your service to our nation and future generations. -- Presented with appreciation from MY Canada (Motivated Young People for a Strong Canada)

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