Friday, September 22, 2006

(This is a recent picture from a group in Ottawa that just met with their MP. Great meeting we hear...can't wait to get the full report. You go guys!!!)

Here is the testimony from the team:

"Our Meeting with Pierre was excellent! It was really awesome because Pastor Syd represented us - as Pierre is his area Mp, along with our church's area Mp! It was an especially significant day that our meeting landed on. That day Pierre Poilievre was standing on Parliament Hill at a very important rally. This rally was for our Canadian troops, with General Hilliard, and for Pierre bringing the red ribbon and red Friday's campaign to the forefront of our nation. He was the Mp who stood up and said we need to support our troops!!!(I sure you know this) So awesome!! And he started Red Friday's! Our meeting with him was right after the hill rally on RED Friday afternoon.

A group of 10 of us, all wearing red ribbons and some in red shirts, - 4 pastors and our amazing group of totally awesome young people - crowded into the reception area of Pierre's office. It was so crazy because our meeting took place with all the people that were working in the office also.

As Pierre came in to meet the team He was very receptive to the group. Right off the top the young people began to speak about each of the issues one at a time. It was so amazing! As they began to speak about one man one woman in marriage - one of the girls had read every one of Pierre's speeches. She asked him if she could quote something he had said in the house, He was quite taken back as she pulled out a book containing everyone of his speeches. She began to read his own personal words written on his very strong stand for traditional marriage and family values. She then honoured him by thanking him for his strong stand on this very important issue. One by one the young people spoke with boldness and respect - the incredible presence in that room - amazing! Others who were coming into the office - since our meeting was
in the reception area- stood and listened as we spoke on abortion, the age of consent, and children and internet porn. We found out that Mr. Poilievre's views support those of a moral Canada - He's awesome!!!

He was not too aware of the global poverty bill - he asked us for info and said he would research. (thought this was interesting as per your email on this issue). We thanked him for his service to Canada his stand for these very important issues, and for what he had done in standing for our troops! We presented him with a gift - a picture of our group - with a scripture thanking God for him. We all signed it with
words of encouragement and thanks. We then tied it with a red ribbon in honour of his campaign and of our troops. We then asked him if we could pray for him for strength and he said yes. Our pastor prayed for him as all our young people gathered around him praying. It was very awesome!

The meeting time we were given was 30 minutes and at exactly 30 min - incredible - when I looked at my watch - it was done right on time!

Seriously a major God moment! Wow! Some of the comments we received from people waiting in the reception area and Pierre's secretary were just incredible!! They were so deeply moved at seeing the young people standing for morality - one woman was
moved to tears as she said to me "Don't stop doing what you are doing - It is so beautiful to see what has happened here today - To see young people wanting morality - don't stop.

Sorry about the - I'll keep it short (this email) - ya right! Haha! It was so awesome! Pierre asked if we could keep in contact - and has accepted an invitation from our Pastor to come to speak to our church - Very awesome!!

The young people are ready for their next appointments coming soon! Keep you informed.

The team going to the Siege are soooo excited!!!.....

They were screaming into my cell phone at the top of their lungs - "Colleen we're going to The Siege!!!!!" Can't wait for all that's coming!! So Awesome!!!

Talk to you soon,
Colleen Noble

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