Thursday, January 19, 2006

The MY CANADA Ontario SWAT Team rocks! We have conducted several missions to practically help pro-morality candidates get elected (in some cases re-elected)! AND we've had a blast in the process! I want to especially thank Mark, Beth and Becky for making every single SWAT Team event!! I am so proud of our group of dedicated young Canadians who have taken time out of their lives to pound the pavement (and slush & snow) and distribute literature, knock on doors, data entry, etc. to help these awesome candidates! I want to encourage all of you who have a heart for this nation and are looking for a practical outlet in the last few days of the election to call up the campaign offices of your local pro-God candidate and volunteer a few hours of your time - it makes a HUGE difference on many of the close races! Feel free to check out our WE LOVE THEM list on the MY CANADA website for some of the candidates that we encourage you to support. No better way for a group of friends to get together and do something fun and worthwhile at the same time - I DARE YOU TO DO IT!

Kelly Linton
MY CANADA - Ontario

1 comment:

Faytene Kryskow said...

I just want to say that those pictures are very sweeeeeet (pun intended)! Way to rise up Ontario!
