Sunday, December 18, 2005

Check out new: Vote video at our video link...and others too!


We are living in exciting and accelerating days. Our team is running on every front right now with e-mails and phones buzzing. Many in the nation are coming alive with a passion to see awesome men and women set into federal governmental seats in the 39th election. This is our hour Church.

We have been studying out candidates that are running all across the nation and finding that there are many strong men and women that are rising up and running for office right now. We have an amazing opportunity in this coming election (Jan. 23) to elect men and women that will stand for traditional moral values in our nation--who will tear down and build (Jer. 1). This is exciting.

We want to encourage you to find out who the candidates are in your area and get behind those that will stand for the poor, marriage, life and religious freedom. If you need help trying to figure out "whose who" do not hesitate to contact us and we will fill you in on what the different candidates are about (

This upcoming week in Southwest Ontario our Ontario rep, Kelly Linton, will be leading rallies in the region. Exciting stuff! Contact him at for details. I am blazing through the Vancouver area, preaching at several venues and connecting with people to get behind righteous men and women that are running in this campaign.

We are also going to be putting together SWAT teams in the Vancouver area and SW Ontario region to go and help on the campaigns of God fearing men and women who are running. Let us know if you want to get connected.

We are in an amazing hour of opportunity! Let's rise up and seize (SIEGE) it!

Let's give Jesus the best Christmas gift we could right now as a nation: A Canada that is moving towards grace, not away.

Blessings and grace,
Faytene and the team

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GO! GO! GO! We are ALL behind you guys 100% with what your doing. It's SO important, and we're so proud of you for standing up for what is right, in this great nation of Canada!
May she be restored to the solid foundation from which she has been moved...
**God bless you Faytene and Team**