Monday, February 13, 2006

Well most of you have likely heard the news by now...the new Justice Minister (the Honourable Vic Toews) announced that the government is going to be working to raise the age of consent! We think this is awesome!!

Right now in Canada the age of consent is 14. That means a 50 year old man/woman can legally have sex with a 14 year old girl/boy as long as there is an appearance that they consented to it. This has huge problems to it and, some reports have already said, that Canada is becoming a haven for sexual predators because of it.

We interviewed some youth yesterday (12yrs to 16 yrs) about it and they were all totally in support of legislation that would protect them from older wo/men who may want to take advantage of them. It was powerful stuff and we will be editing some of it for Vertigo Correct to help get the word out about all this.

We will be throwing all of our weight behind supporting this move of the government's and hope you will too! Stay tuned on the site and in the news for more on this.

Grace and peace,

ps-See you at the Cry, July 15th, 06 in Ottawa!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Faytene - I am totally enthusiastic about your idea here. Even though I live in Courtenay, I am sitting here on your website browsing EVERYTHING!!! Just because I wasn't able to make it to Kleisis @ the 4square church :(
But I read this and went - WOW - what a radical thing it would be to change that. (Also I am sick, otherwise I would have walked there) I AM TOTALLY IN SUPPORT OF YOU GUYS IN VANCOUVER, AND OUR #1 SUPPORT JESUS IS TOO! (I have a friendship with Krista) I CONTINUALLY PRAY THAT YOU WILL KEEP "HITTING" OUR NATION WITH THESE AWESOME MORALITY ISSUES! much love, prayers and support.The webpage below is of our church youth-group. we aren't really a youth-group, just kids ages 9 and up:) and we get exchange students from Japan and Korea all the time. one of these days, i would LOVE to go on a seige with you guys!you can reach me at: